From the Box Back
Ordered to transport delegates to a Federation conference on Pacifica, the Enterprise beams up two representatives from the planet Antede Three. Unaccustomed to space travel, the Antedians arrive in self-induced comatose states to deal with the trauma of their voyage. The crew is surprised by the unexpected arrival of another conference invitee: Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett). Lwaxana’s daughter Deanna (Marina Sirtis) warns Picard (Patrick Stewart) that Lwaxana is in “the phase”- the period in which a Betazoid woman’s sex drive increases tenfold! While Lwaxana relentlessly pursues Picard, the Antedians return to consciousness with a deadly secret mission: to destroy the Federation conference!
Production Info
Manhunt, Episode 45 from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Airdate 6-19-89. Other actors include Levar Burton, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner and Wil Wheaton. From Paramount with 1989 and 1994 copyrights. Not rated. The ISBN is 0-7921-3183-5. The UPC is 0-9736-00145-3-2.
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